1. We Reduce & Reuse in the Workplace

Where possible and practical, we purchase office papers, packing and packaging materials made from recycled materials with post-consumer content. We encourage the use of electronic communications (e-mail, Web and intranet) for external and internal communications whenever possible. We make primary use of two-sided printing and photocopying where appropriate. We reuse file folders, hanging folders and binders where appropriate and substitute durable materials for disposable products.


2. We Deploy Recycling in Our Workplace

We implement in-house recycling programs for paper, beverage cans and bottles, printing ink and toner cartridges, personal and laptop computers and we coordinate recycling practices in office buildings with other tenant companies.


3. We Promote/Advance Recycling in Our Community

We educate customers by advising them about what is or is not recyclable among materials we present to them, and, if available, where to recycle materials. We use the recyclable symbol to identify paper and paperboard products made from fibers that, after use, are suitable for recycling.

We ensure that all environmental labeling is clear, honest and complete, so our customers may know the exact nature of what is being claimed and provide customers with information about recycling in our catalog.


We participate in DMA's "Recycle Please" campaign.