
NBF partnered with Kelton Global to survey more than 1,000 American workers. We examined how people feel about their work-from-home workspaces and what they need to make their days better and brighter using a combination of finding the right furniture, designing a beautiful workspace, and building behaviors that can create long-lasting workplace wellness.

Then vs. Now

Somewhat surprisingly, we discovered that 35% of people miss what their workspace used to look like. It's easy to assume that corporate offices are nothing but a series of cookie-cutter workstations, but the reality is that these spaces use design elements that are tried-and-true solutions for workday needs.

At home, there's ample opportunity to create a perfectly personalized workspace that builds on the core tenets of workplace design. Embrace your highest office aspirations and add a personal touch to your office oasis.

Design Matters

We've all heard the adage "dress for success," but in your home office, it's all about designing for a successful workday. Put a little personality into your workspace with picture-perfect touches that can inspire your mood and aid in your workday productivity.

Decorate for Success

The hues you choose have a major impact on your overall emotion. A bright and sunny color palette can add pep to your workday—use inspired yellows, pastels, and bright whites to wash the room in light. Darker, more brooding colors aren't necessarily sleepy; they can create a studious and serious atmosphere that inspires a sense of pride in your workday.

Art for art's sake is a must for interior design in both the workplace and living space. As you select decorative pieces, look for items that aren't too cluttering or distracting, opting for positive and inspiring imagery on the walls.

Bring in a bookcase to expand your storage for workday supplies and decorative pieces. With new and inventive designs dominating the market, a bookcase can add an artistic appeal to your space—opt for something with an inventive combination of storage cubbies in fixed and adjustable heights.

All About Ambience

Wake up and smell the roses—or whatever scent works best for you. Candles, wax melts, and oil diffusers are a great way to enhance your space, and invigorating options are ideal for workday productivity. Seek bright and vibrant scent profiles, such as lemon, orange, or peppermint, to keep it upbeat or alleviate stress with the calming scent of lavender or chamomile.

Soothing sounds are a luxury that is hard to recreate in a shared office. While many prefer podcasts, others work well with white noise, and some are interested in inspired instrumentals. Find what works best for an ambient out-loud soundtrack instead of sticking to office-friendly headphones.

Workday Must-Haves

Design your desktop accessories to match the vibe of your workspace. Online marketplaces have taken desktop staples to another level, offering fun and funky designs that can add to your overall design scheme. Gone are the days of simple Swingline staplers and drab tape dispensers. Find something that's fun to use and functional at the same time.

The smallest stuff matters, including the office supplies you use to get the job done. Find the perfect pens or choose fun paper clips that are more than simple curves. When purchasing for yourself, it's less necessary to blend into the status quo than when buying for an entire office.

Go Green

Pick a plant or maybe many plants. Home offices with ample natural light are ideal for thriving greenery of a maintenance level of your choosing. While some prefer fickle ferns, the tried-and-true ease of a pothos is great for those who might not have a green thumb.

Go with faux plants if you're in a dimly lit area or don't have it in you to keep up with a watering schedule. The options are endless—more hyper-realistic options are available every day.

Fresh might be best for a quick pick-me-up. A bouquet of flowers or quick-blooming seasonal plants can instantly invigorate your space and add a nice little oomph to the air with a sweetly-scented selection. 

Fun and Functional Needs

The stuff you store is just as important as how you store it, be it in bins or baskets on a bookcase or a concealed cabinet. Expand your storage capacity with solutions that look great and blend in with the rest of your interior design scheme. New designs are available that go beyond the basics. Accent these pieces with clever bins and storage boxes to make it easy to conceal pesky small supplies and unsightly clutter.

Let there be light! While home offices often feature more natural light than a corporate workspace, we’ll always need lamps and lights that are easy on the eyes and just right for your vibe. Choose bulbs that emulate the sun or go with vibrant options that can invigorate your space. For the winter months, SAD lamps are an easy way to keep your spirits up during long hours working from home.


Looking for more ways to practice Workplace Wellness? Check out our free eBook to learn more!


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