
Creating a private office that fosters productivity is a goal for many organizations, but achieving the perfect balance of functionality and design can be challenging.  


We asked NBF expert Anna Reedy, an esteemed Account Executive renowned for her exceptional eye for design and organized project management, for her advice on the private office design mistakes she commonly sees and how to design your space better. Join us as we explore how to transform your workspace into a haven for productivity with tips from one of NBF’s furniture experts. 


Top 3 Private Office Design Mistakes: Expert Video Transcript 

Interviewer: A personal office should be a haven for productivity. So today we're with Anna Reedy, one of our furniture experts, to talk to us about those common mistakes people make when designing their private office. What are the top mistakes that you run into when it comes to private office designs? 


AR: Some of the things we see out in the field are measuring would be one, overcrowding would probably be another. And then I think just being mindful of what you really need in your space. 

Mistake #1: Measuring Improperly 

AR: I know typically people probably think length by width, you just kind of measure your office. But I would say [that it’s about] being a little more aware of windows or door swings or columns within your office. Those elements are important because they play into the layout of how the furniture is placed in the office and where the desk sits or how the guest chairs sit in the office. 

Mistake #2: Overcrowding the Space 

Interviewer: All right, so we measured appropriately. But overcrowding is still common and still occurs. Why is that and what are the impacts? 


AR: I would say that overcrowding is a mistake that people tend to make. I think they try to pack as much into a space as possible. And to be honest, I think less is more sometimes. So, whether it be a small meeting space or a private office that’s dual-purpose, just being mindful of where you're placing different items that people can easily get around the office and feel comfortable with in the space. 

Mistake #3: Choosing the Wrong Furniture & Layout 

Interviewer: So, we talked about measuring and overcrowding, but let's go back to selecting the right furniture in the layout. Tell me more about that. How do I know what to choose? What considerations do I have to make? 


AR: I think I would look in terms of the right furniture and layout as to what you need to do your job function. So, maybe you need more storage or maybe you need more seating within your office because you're meeting with visitors often. Whatever it might be that your job function needs in order to be successful, I think taking a step back and looking at that.   

The Key to Designing an Efficient Private Office 

Interviewer: Anna, we've covered a lot. Let's take a step back and in sum: I'm trying to refresh or redesign my office. What's your big take away? What key advice do you have to help me get started? 


AR: As for the key take away, I would say look at how you work as an employee. What do you need to be successful? Incorporate those elements into your office layout, which will hopefully help you to be more successful and in turn drive business forward. 

Solve Your Space: Private Office 

In conclusion, designing a private office that truly supports productivity requires thoughtful planning and consideration of your specific needs. Avoiding common mistakes such as improper measurements, overcrowding the space and selecting the wrong furniture can make a significant difference in the functionality and comfort of your private office.  


By following the expert advice of NBF's Anna Reedy, you can transform your office into an efficient and inspiring environment tailored to your work style. Remember, your private office is not just a place to work — it's a haven for productivity that should facilitate your success and drive your business forward. 

Connect with Pros Like Anna 

NBF offers a collaborative team that will provide the support and guidance you need to find your perfect workspace solution and deliver next-level results. 


With the knowledge and know-how of nearly 50 years of leadership expertise in Business, Government, Healthcare and Education environments, you can trust us to help you find solutions to meet your organization’s exact needs. 


Connect with NBF pros like Anna today to learn more about the power and potential of your workspace.

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