
If you work in an office, you probably have at least 1 conference room in which most of your meetings are held. But what do you do when a great idea pops into your head and all of the boardrooms are booked? Do you risk sending an email that can be easily ignored? Do you chat in a coworker’s tight, compact cubicle

The issue of a lack of conference room space has inspired a fairly new trend in corporate office design—the addition of small, casual meeting areas known as touchdown spaces. Here are 5 tips to consider if you’d like to add one of these little gathering points to your office. 

1. Location, Location, Location

The location of your casual meeting space will be hugely important, so choose wisely. You’ll want to place it in an area near the teams that will be using it the most, but make sure it’s not too close to any major distractions such as loud copiers or bustling training rooms.

2. Keep It Quiet

Speaking of avoiding distractions, be aware of noise levels when selecting your space. You’ll most likely want to add it to an area where you will not be distracted by others around you, and you will not be a distraction to them. 

For example, a meeting area in the middle of a call center might not be the best idea, as the surrounding noises may take away from the conversation. Plus, your meetings will be distracting for employees at their desks, making it difficult for them to focus.

Try grouping casual meeting spaces by department. This way, all the employees in the area are more likely to use that space together simultaneously, eliminating or drastically reducing the opportunity for distracting situations.

3. Big Ideas in a Small Package

Remember, this area is for quick, casual meetings between a few people, so be careful not to take up too much room in the office. A small grouping of 2 to 4 chairs surrounding a compact conference table or even a low coffee table is ideal, providing just enough space for quick, comfortable collaboration.

4. Leave it Open

Possibly the most important thing to keep in mind when designing a casual meeting space is to keep it open. Do not allow this space to be reserved in advance, lest it becomes just another unreachable conference room. Incorporating multiple huddle areas in your office should minimize the chances of every conference room being booked simultaneously, ensuring that all employees can get together at the drop of a hat.  

5. Do Double Duty

A casual meeting space can take many forms. For example, you can easily transform an employee lounge or outdoor break area into a little conference space outside the normal lunch period. Utilizing these small touchpoints for multiple purposes will help maximize the space available in your office.


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