
Incorporating artwork into your office can enhance the overall environment and the image that your company portrays to customers and employees. You’ve probably seen a ton of articles that discuss the pros and cons of open office floor plans versus private offices—casual versus formal. It all comes down to the wellbeing of the employee. Think about it—a happy employee will be a better employee who will produce better results in his or her work. Adding the right art to your workspace is a cost-effective way to promote mental health within the office.


The color of your office art is hugely important. Although you may love that bright yellow canvas print you saw online last weekend, it may not be the best choice for your space. Certain colors make us feel specific emotions, so be sure to choose wisely when painting your office and while selecting artwork.

  • Red creates a sense of intensity and can also increase your appetite.
  • Orange creates a sense of excitement and warmth.
  • Yellow creates a sense of cheerfulness, but can strain the eyes easily.
  • Green creates a sense of tranquility and peace.
  • Blue creates a sense of calmness and can actually make you more productive.
  • Purple creates a sense of wealth and success.
  • Brown creates a practical, earthy feeling, but it can also encourage boredom.
  • White creates the sense of space.
  • Black can create a sense of sophistication, but it can also make a room feel smaller if used too much.

As you can see, the colors you use in your office artwork can greatly impact the way your employees work. Because it is the most productive color, blue is commonly used in office settings.


Shape and Form

Shape is created when one area of a piece of art is defined from the space next to it. Mechanical shapes in the form of geometric patterns create a sense of order and control. Organic shapes, on the other hand, are free form and much more complex, giving off a sense of creativity.



Texture refers to the way a surface physically feels or is perceived to visually feel, and it can make a big difference in the mood your office artwork puts you in. Smooth textures are more likely to make you feel calm, while rough textures give off a more complex, intense feel.



The right amount of space in a work of art can create a sense of serenity or urgency, both of which could be beneficial depending on what your company culture is like. Overlapping, shading, highlighting and perspective are all elements that create space within a piece of art.


Remember, no two offices will benefit from the same artwork in the exact same way. If you work in a space where employees tend to work independent of one another, then your office may benefit from serene nature scenes; however, if you work in an open office space where collaboration is key, then your employees may become more easily inspired by bright, bold colors or motivational prints. Analyze your office culture and environment to determine what style will be best for your employees.


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